
My journey takes courage every day even if I feel fear sometimes

Monday, May 14, 2012

Got My Arse Nutritionally Handed to Me Tonight

The truth hurts sometimes! I feel like I just got spanked. But, alhamduliAllah, I like it. On my webinar tonight, I learned about meal exchanging for like foods. I also learned that my weekend was a nutritional bomb. In my ignorance, I thought that I did a pretty good job handling my decision-making. However, I now know that I have to be better prepared for time away from home. My meal plan has been designed specifically for me and I need to use the exchange list when making changes instead of choosing different things to eat right now.

In the webinar, I got know how some of my students have felt when I anonymously use their paper or assignment as an example for the class. While the student knows I am talking about her/his assignment and I also know, no one else knows. I have only ever thought about the benefit to the class and that student when doing this, not how the student might feel. When I see glaring mistakes on an assignment, I know that I would be careless to not address them and help the student become better and avoid such mistakes in the future.

In school, I have always been the top student having my papers or assignments used as examples of what TO do not of what NOT to do, so tonight was all new for me. In using my weekend food logs as examples in the webinar, my Nadoona teachers taught me that turkey bacon is not a good protein. Seems simply enough, right? Now, I get that it is not about just having protein or carbs or fat, it is about having the good kinds. I learned that although I thought my choice of baked chicken over fried chicken was enough, I could have made sure to only eat white meat pieces instead of a mix of white and dark meat. (note to self: look up which pieces of meat are white and dark meat). I learned that I really should have chosen on the multigrain waffle instead of the hash brown instead of both. Heck, I should have even bought wheat bread instead of the waffles. So, instead of a C- for the weekend, I have an F. It sucks big butt, too! But, alhamduliAllah, I am learning through these mistakes.

While I failed in some critical areas this weekend, I recognize and celebrate the small victories and progress. I go out of town again at the end of the month; nshaAllah, I will be armed with my exchange list. At the point where I am now, I know that I need the structure of the meal plan tailored just for me.

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