
My journey takes courage every day even if I feel fear sometimes

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Bi IsmiAllah!

Bi ismiAllah (in the name of God), I embark upon this journey to health and fitness for myself, my Lord, and my baby girl.

I have done great things with the wonderful brain that Allah has given me, but I have neglected the body that is a divine vessel used to carry the brain I so cherish. Periodically, I realize that not taking care of my body with healthy foods and exercise is like a slap in the face of God because it is taking for granted what I have been given and also shortening this lifetime.

Before embarking on journeys or completing tasks, we say "bi ismiAllah" to recognize that what we are doing is in God's Name and with the best of intentions. At this time in my life, I have been provided an answer to my prayers in the form of and the fabulous ladies there. I wanted some kind of fitness program that would tie into my faith so I would feel more compelled to follow it and make changes that stick.

Since October 27, 2007, I have carried a hadith in my wallet: Sahih al Bukhari  reported that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh [peace and blessings upon him]) said, "the stomach is the origin of every disease and abstinence is the epitome of every remedy. So make this your custom." I've carried this with me for almost 5 years hoping that it would work a miracle on me and somehow sink into my heart and mind. Allah truly does help those who help themselves, and I have started a new journey to health and wellness, nshaAllah, with the help of the Nadoona crew! I'm trying to be like Fergie and "workin' on my fitness" in hopes of becoming NADOONA STRONG!

May Allah guide my eyes, emotions, and thoughts not to fool my stomach into hunger. May Allah grant me steadfastness in this journey to fitness and increase my energy and iman. May Allah help me to crush the PTSD that has for so long caused me to stuff myself with food in order to relieve the stress and emotional warfare inside. May Allah resurrect my inner warrior woman who dances and runs with the wolves without fear of the inner saboteur who thinks that I need layers of fat on my body to keep me safe and free from violence. May Allah help me to shed the thinking that my fat somehow protects me. May Allah grant me victory and sustained success! Amin!


  1. Asalaamu alaykum sis, starting with the good intention is always the most important element of and now it is having the faith to move forward. I see all faith coming from you! Nylka (Team Baqara Body Makeover, still struggling on the meal plan!)

  2. Wa 'alaykoum assalaam, sis'! Thanks for your comment. I am so glad I finally took this step and pray that I remain on this path to wellness. NshaAllah, I will pray that Allah help u with ur meal plan, too!

  3. Alhamdullilah, all the duas are needed <3
